The IRN Terascale is a groupement de recherche dedicated to the
experimental and theoretical search for new physics at the TeV scale.
The spring 2025 workshop will take place on May 19-21 at IPHC Strasbourg - more details to come.
Meetings of the IRN as well as the transparencies shown can be found in indico.
Information is exchanged (announcements of meetings etc) on the terascale-l mailing list hosted by the CC-IN2P3. The archive of the list
is available via this link.
To subscribe to the terascale-l mailing list hosted by the CC-IN2P3 please use this link. You will be asked to confirm your request by mail.
Higgs and Electroweak |
Louis D'Eramo ,
Iro Koletsou ,
Christophe Ochando ,
Pietro Slavich
Eric Chabert ,
Björn Herrmann ,
Romain Madar ,
Jérémie Quevillon
Dark Universe |
Julien Masbou,
Emmanuel Moulin,
Andreas Goudelis
Methods and Tools |
Anja Butter,
Mark Goodsell,
Sabine Kraml
Scientific Management Committee
S. Abel | IPPP Durham |
E. A. Bagnaschi | INFN Frascati |
T. Berger-Hryn'ova | LAPP Annecy |
H. Dreiner | Bonn University |
E. Dudas | CPT Palaiseau |
L. Feligioni | CPPM Marseille |
N. Fornengo | Univ. Torino |
S. Forte | Univ. Milano |
R. Franceschini | Univ. Roma Tre |
S. Gascon-Shotkin | IP2I Lyon |
M.-H. Genest | LPSC Grenoble |
U. Goerlach | IPHC Strasbourg |
C. Grojean | DESY Hamburg |
Björn Herrmann | LAPTh Annecy |
J.-L. Kneur | L2C Montpellier |
S. Lavignac | IPhT Saclay |
J. Manjarres | L2IT Toulouse |
A. Mariotti | VUB Bruxelles |
J. Masbou | Subatech Nantes |
N. Morange | IJCLab Orsay |
E. Moulin | IRFU Saclay |
G. Moultaka | LUPM Montpellier |
M. Mühlleitner | KIT |
C. Ochando | LLR Palaiseau |
J. Orloff | LPC Clermont-Ferrand |
J. Ocariz | LPNHE Paris |
T. Plehn | ITP Heidelberg |
G. Salam | Univ. Oxford |
V. Sanz | Univ. Valencia |
P. Slavich | LPTHE Paris |
M.Taoso | INFN Torino |
M. Tytgat | UL Bruxelles |
ex-officio | Group Coordinators |
Predecessors of the IRN
The Web page for the GDR Terascale 2009-2016 is available here.
Proposal 2009-2012
Project Labintel 2009-2012
The Web page for the GDR Susy 2005-2008 is available here.
The Web page for the GDR Susy 2003-2004 is available here.
The Web page for the GDR Susy 1997-2002 is available here.