The IRN Terascale is a groupement de recherche dedicated to the
experimental and theoretical search for new physics at the TeV scale.
The spring 2025 workshop will take place on May 19-21 at IPHC Strasbourg: indico. - abstract submission and registration are open until April 14th and May 2nd, respectively.
Meetings of the IRN as well as the transparencies shown can be found in indico.
Information is exchanged (announcements of meetings etc) on the terascale-l mailing list hosted by the CC-IN2P3. The archive of the list
is available via this link.
To subscribe to the terascale-l mailing list hosted by the CC-IN2P3 please use this link. You will be asked to confirm your request by mail.
Higgs and Electroweak |
Louis D'Eramo ,
Iro Koletsou ,
Christophe Ochando ,
Pietro Slavich
Eric Chabert ,
Björn Herrmann ,
Romain Madar ,
Jérémie Quevillon
Dark Universe |
Julien Masbou,
Emmanuel Moulin,
Andreas Goudelis
Methods and Tools |
Anja Butter,
Mark Goodsell,
Sabine Kraml
Scientific Management Committee
S. Abel | IPPP Durham |
E. A. Bagnaschi | INFN Frascati |
T. Berger-Hryn'ova | LAPP Annecy |
H. Dreiner | Bonn University |
E. Dudas | CPT Palaiseau |
L. Feligioni | CPPM Marseille |
N. Fornengo | Univ. Torino |
S. Forte | Univ. Milano |
R. Franceschini | Univ. Roma Tre |
S. Gascon-Shotkin | IP2I Lyon |
M.-H. Genest | LPSC Grenoble |
U. Goerlach | IPHC Strasbourg |
C. Grojean | DESY Hamburg |
Björn Herrmann | LAPTh Annecy |
J.-L. Kneur | L2C Montpellier |
S. Lavignac | IPhT Saclay |
J. Manjarres | L2IT Toulouse |
A. Mariotti | VUB Bruxelles |
J. Masbou | Subatech Nantes |
N. Morange | IJCLab Orsay |
E. Moulin | IRFU Saclay |
G. Moultaka | LUPM Montpellier |
M. Mühlleitner | KIT |
C. Ochando | LLR Palaiseau |
J. Orloff | LPC Clermont-Ferrand |
J. Ocariz | LPNHE Paris |
T. Plehn | ITP Heidelberg |
G. Salam | Univ. Oxford |
V. Sanz | Univ. Valencia |
P. Slavich | LPTHE Paris |
M.Taoso | INFN Torino |
M. Tytgat | UL Bruxelles |
ex-officio | Group Coordinators |
Predecessors of the IRN
The Web page for the GDR Terascale 2009-2016 is available here.
Proposal 2009-2012
Project Labintel 2009-2012
The Web page for the GDR Susy 2005-2008 is available here.
The Web page for the GDR Susy 2003-2004 is available here.
The Web page for the GDR Susy 1997-2002 is available here.