GDR Terascale 2009-2012

The GDR Terascale is a groupement de recherche dedicated to the experimental and theoretical search for new physics at the TeV scale. The GDR is a collaboration of:

Please consult this page for the current GDR Terascale.

General Terascale Resources

Meetings of the GDR as well as the transparencies shown can be found in indico.

Information is exchanged (announcements of meetings etc) on the terascale-l mailing list hosted by the CC-IN2P3. The archive of the list is available via this link.

The GDR Terascale is the successor of the GDR Supersymmetry. The GDR SUSY pages are available here.

Groups and Coordinators

Higgs and Supersymmetry Jean-Loic Kneur, Rémi Lafaye, Fabio Maltoni, Patrice Verdier
Non-supersymmetric models Fabienne Ledroit, Grégory Moreau, Géraldine Servant
Dark Matter Emmanuel Moulin,Pasquale Serpico
Methods and Tools Sabine Kraml, Steve Muanza,Benjamin Fuks

Members of the Conseil du Groupement

G. Bélanger LAPTH Annecy
M. Besançon DAPNIA Saclay
P. Binétruy APC Paris
E. Dudas CPT Palaiseau
P. Fayet LPTENS Paris
S. Gascon-Shotkin IPNL Lyon
P. Gay LPC Clermont-Ferrand
U. Goerlach IPHC Strasbourg
J.-F. Grivaz LAL Orsay
M. Klasen LPSC Grenoble
P. Miné LLR Palaiseau
J. Orloff LPC Clermont-Ferrand
S. Rosier-Lees LAPP Annecy
C. Tao CPPM Marseille
S. Abel IPPP Durham
G. Isidori INFN Frascati
T. Plehn University of Heidelberg
M. Tytgat UL Bruxelles
ex-officio the coordinators of the working groups


Abdelhak Djouadi LPT Orsay
Dirk Zerwas LAL Orsay


Geneviève Gilbert
Bat. 200
91898 Orsay Cedex
Telephone: +33 1 64 46 84 56


Proposal 2009-2012
Project Labintel 2009-2012
The Web page for the GDR Susy 2005-2008 is available here.
The Web page for the GDR Susy 2003-2004 is available here.
The Web page for the GDR Susy 1997-2002 is available here.